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International trade in a sentence

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Sentence count:300+3Posted:2017-05-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: internationalinternationallyinternational relationsinternationalizeinternationalismpublic international lawprivate international lawUnited Press International
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211 Jiang reiterated that there was no international trade embargo, Mr. Ohata said.
212 A lot of meetings, trade discussions, negotiations, and preparations for the international trade fair.
213 Thirdly, it discusses the chauvinism of the marketing country and problems of illicit international trade of cultural property that occurred when instituting the lost cultural relics.
214 When the GATT was negotiated in the late 1940s, it set out various rules and principles for governing international trade.
215 Base on historical materialism, this paper expose the process of uniformity of the international trade law.
216 The Korea International Trade Association said Wednesday that North Korea-China trade rose 32 percent last year to more than $3.46 billion.
217 Traditional goods traffic forms have been changed by the appearance of container, which is playing an important role in the international trade transportation.
218 Anderson's legal profession started in the early s with's International Trade Tribunal national office in Beijing.
219 The fair will be organized as a large professional international trade fair which will include activities of exhibition, trade, exchange of information, seminars and promotion of investment.
220 It thwarts the negotiation of Air Waybill, the development of international trade as well as international payment.
221 Overall, this course focuses microeconomics, with some topics from macroeconomics and international trade.
222 With the rapid developing of informationization now[], the rapid developing of market economy and the variety of international trade make higher demands of Electronic Data Processing Accounting.
223 Technical barriers to trade, with conformity assessment procedures as the representative, have become the main form of non-tariff barriers in international trade.
224 The port is becoming more important in the national economy. The function of the port develops increasingly, which changes from the transportation node to the international trade centre.
225 Expansionary fiscal policies and a powerful inventory cycle, helped by a recovery in international trade and improved financial conditions, fueled a significant pickup in growth.
226 My education has given me a wide range of background knowledge infield of international trade.
227 The finance provided by the bank to the importer or exporter under international trade such as trust receipt and buyer finance ect.
228 Nowadays, Intra-industry Trade has taken the leading position of International trade, the total volume of Intra-industry accounts for 60% of the gross amount.
229 WTO and its trade dispute settlement body,( trade.html) have support powerful legal safeguard mechanism which for maintain international economic order and solve international trade dispute in the world.
230 Exchange rate plays a very important role in the pricing process of international trade.
231 Many scholars not only do their research on theoretical aspect, but also apply econometric modeling methods to analyze the international trade by using trade data of these countries.
232 Unimaxs International Trade Co. , Ltd is a professional foreign trade company holding the rights of general trade and frontier trade authorized by the National Department of Commercial Affairs .
233 Taicang port is the first international trade of Jiangsu province that constructed weightily and the harbor of north wing container of international shipping centre of Shanghai.
234 Being the background of the thesis, chapter one will address why the PPM comes into being, how it related to international trade and the main types of trade measures that based on PPM.
235 Currently, EDI is an essential information tool for international trade and logistics.
236 We had a very favourable international trade balance last year.
237 Article 5 International trade administrative cases of the first instance shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's courts at the intermediate level or above with the jurisdiction.
238 International Trade Theory and International Trade Practice how to get started?
239 As a method of financial settlement, letter of credit is well used in international trade.
240 International trade are outward FDI are virtually different choices of the enterprises operating overseas. Their relationship is both substitution and complementary effects, further interact effects.
More similar words: internationalinternationallyinternational relationsinternationalizeinternationalismpublic international lawprivate international lawUnited Press Internationalinternational monetary fundinternalizationultranationalistconsternationexternalizationinternaltransnationalalternativeinternalizealternativelyfederal trade commissionnationalizationalternative energymultinational corporationalternating currenttraditionalhibernationalternative medicinetraditionallynationalintentionalalternate
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